Good Driving Habits, Which can save Money and Fuel
How to make every drop last longer:
Drive between 45-55 Km/H
Drive slow and steady. The faster you go, the more wind resistance your vehicle will face. If you go at speeds above 60 Km/H, you will waste petrol.Tests on
Indian cars prove that you can get up to 40 % extra mileage at 45-55 Km/H as against 80 Km/H.
Avoid accelerating or decelerating unnecessarily.
Avoid banking by anticipating stops and curves well in advance.
Tests show that a reduction in speed leads to no appreciable rise in commuting time. Much less than what most people think.
Keep your engine healthy:
Tests on a large number of cars prove that you can save as much as 6% by tuning your car regularly. If your engine emits black smoke, has poor pulling power or consumes large quantities of oil, get it checked immediately at a reputed garage. A delay, may prove more expensive in terms of petrol and oil as compared to the cost of an overhaul.
Use of bi-metallic spark plugs saves over 1.5% fuel and reduces exhaust emissions too. Get your car serviced at every 5000 kms.
Drive in the Correct Gear:
Incorrect gear shifting can lead to as much as 20% increase in fuel consumption. Start your car in the 1st gear only, except if you are in a muddy patch or going
downhill then engage the 2nd gear.
For city driving, change to a higher gear when you are sure the engine will not struggle. Get into top gear as soon as possible.
Use same gear for uphill and downhill journey.
It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's recommendation.
Don't wait for your car to warm
Instead, drive in low gear till the engine warms up.
Use choke briefly only when necessary.
At 10°C and below, your fuel consumption per kilometer doubles when you make trips of 5 kms or less. So combine trips.
Do not park a car so that you have to reverse with a cold engine This will consume more fuel.
Install engine-heating system (in cold regions) in your car if it does not have one.
Good Braking Habits:
Stop-and-go driving wastes fuel. When you slam on the brakes, a lot of useful energy is wasted in the form of heat. A good driver always anticipates stops.
Test wheels for free rotation when your car is being serviced. Binding of brakes restricts free wheel movement and the engine consumes more petrol in order to
overcome resistance.
Check wheel alignment at regular intervals.
Keep your Foot off the Clutch:
Use clutch only when you change gears. Riding the clutch causes loss of energy and damages clutch-linings.
Use your handbrake when stopped on an upgrade and don?t forget to release it when restarting.
Do not park a car so that you have to reverse with a cold engine This will consume more fuel.
Clean Air Filter Regularly:
Air filter prevents dust from Fouling the engine. Dust causes rapid wear of engine components and increases fuel consumption.
Cylinder bores wear out 45 times faster in engines without air-cleaners
Clean air filters at every time-up.
Watch Your Tyre Pressure:
Under inflated tyres increase rolling resistance, which leads to higher petrol consumption.
Tests show that a 25% decrease in tyre pressure can cost you 5-10% more on petrol and 25% on tyre life.
Use radial tyres for 3-7% fuel economy, longer tyre life and greater riding comfort.
When you stop your car, stop engine:
Always keep your car ready to start. Keep the battery, dynamo, self-starter and fan-belt in good condition. This will ensure a quick start whenever you need it.
Switch off the engine at stops of over 2 minutes.
Use the Recommended grade of oil:
Check the car manual and oil manufacturer?s recommendations, before using any particular grade of oil. Always use multi-grade oil equivalent to SPCC/SGCC type for added benefits.
Engine oil that is thicker than the recommended oil can cause 2% increase in fuel consumption.
Change oil filter along with engine oil.
Plan Your Route:
Rush hour, or stop-and-go traffic, can waste fuel excessively. You will get more mileage from each litre if you take a less congested route, even though it is
slightly longer.
Fuel consumption in a highly congested road can be double the normal.
Reduce Loads:
Unnecessary loads increase fuel consumption. Do you really need to carry the luggage rack?
A reduction of weight by 50 kg can lead up to 2% saving in fuel, when driving in the city. Remember that overhead racks increase wind resistance leading to higher fuel consumption.
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Plan Your Trips
Before you start on a trip,
ask yourself two questions:Is this trip really essential?
Can I combine this trip with other trips in the same direction?
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